Benefits of Liquid Immersion Cooling
Immersion cooling has a huge number of benefits, especially when it comes to sustainability and efficiency.
It significantly reduces the amount of water used, levels of carbon emissions, and much more.
Reduction in Cooling OPEX
Power Usage Effectiveness of 1.03 (certified by a 3rd party). ROI of less than 1 year even only considering the electricity savings.
Increase in Server Density
Dissipation capacity of up to almost 100 kW in the space of two standard racks.
CAPEX Reduction Build Costs
Rapidly deployable in raw space without need for raised floors nor cold aisles. Minimum retrfitting required for existing DCs
Increase in Server Density
No moving parts, no dust particles, no vibrations, less thermal and mechanical stress due to the uniformity provided by the liquid and its viscosity.
Water Consumption
The closed loop of the secondary cooling system guarantees no corrosion, health risks (legionella) and prevents any water evaporation.
Heat Captured in Form of Warm Water
Allows for unprecedented energy reuse if data centers are built close to communities or industry potentially creating new revenue streams.